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Rights of the Child

We are a SILVER Rights Respecting School. Please read our report to see what this means...

Our Children in Need Rights Worship 2024

We raised £265 for Children in Need. Thank you so much.

Children in Need - Linked to the rights of the child. Help us support others in need.

We attended the Cardiff Child Friends Event in Techniquest. We learned how we can become more proactive in our community by setting goals.

Wear Red Day - 18th October 2024

WaterAid Charity Donation 2024 - 2025

Our WaterAid Charity Worship

Thursday 3rd October 2024

Today we shared our special messages about rights with parents, governors and pupils from the school.

We explained that through our curriculum we are learning about not only our rights, but the rights of others less fortunate than ourselves. 

We shared messages about the work of our chosen charity WaterAid.  Next week, our journey will continue when we ask for donations to WaterAid and we learn more about the great work it does for others in the world.


In PS1 - the children are learning what it is like to have to travel a long way to collect water, as well as learning about how fortunate we are to have clean water in our homes.


Messages from our worship.

We are continuing our journey towards being awarded our silver award this term. The newly appointed faiths and values committee alongside the school council are the ambassadors for the rights of the children at Bishop Childs. Our first worship will take place in September, where the children will introduce themselves and talk about our main project supporting WaterAid this year. Each class will also be presenting a class worship related to the rights of the child throughout the autumn term. Here are the dates.

Thank you

Mrs Davies

Congratulations to the new members of the faith and values committee 2024 - 2025.

Dates of class worships

Our visit to St Mary's Church to learn about Betty Campbell.

Summer Term Events

Rights Respecting School

UNICEF is the world's leading organisation working for children and their rights. In signing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child all governments have a responsibility to make both children and adults aware of these rights.


We are a Rights respecting School here at Bishop Childs and we will be looking to achieve our silver award in July. This means that children's rights run through everything we do and our school helps our pupils to grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both in school and in the wider community.


By learning about their rights our children also learn about the importance of respecting the rights of others, and also understanding the importance of our school values. 

We all have rights. Do you know your rights as a child ?

Our Four Purposes - These characters help us to remember of four purposes in all that we do.

Article 28



I have the right to an education.



Article 28 of the UNCRC says that children and young people have the right to education no matter who they are, regardless of race, gender or disability; if they’re in detention, or if they’re a refugee.


Children and young people have the right to both primary and secondary education, and should be able to choose different subjects when in secondary school. This should include the option of technical and vocational training, so they shouldn’t have to focus on academic subjects if they don't want to.



Know Your Rights

Our Values - These support your rights and we are all responsible for using our values in school and in the community.

Keep Safe - Internet Safety Day 6th February

January 2024 Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January – Article of the Week for Holocaust Memorial Day also a good time to re-visit all rights: Articles 1, 4 and 41

Red Nose Day / Comic Relief 15th March 2024

Faith and Values explains how Red Nose Day / Comic Relief support rights in the UK and around the worls.

Our Red Nose Day events - We are a rights respecting school
