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Cwtch 4



Addition and subtraction - Focus on addition and subtraction - Karate Cats

Addition and subtraction - Complete the training and visit the addition and subtraction shire -  Defenders of Mathematica

Number bonds - Press play and select number bonds. Choose the level of difficulty - Hit the button

Multiplication/Doubles - Practise your 'Learn Its'. Focus on doubles (x2) if you find this tricky - Coconuts Multiples

Addition - Chose from level 1-6 on 'addition'. Set the timer to make it more difficult - Daily 10




Spelling - Select the list of words you want to focus on before playing - Spooky Spellings

Spelling - Play alone, or create a game code to play with your friends - Spelling Bee

Punctuation - Play in story mode and choose the punctuation topic -  Crystal Explorers

Finish the story - Read along with the comic book to improve what is written - Bushfires

Reading - Choose from a selection of books online. They can be read aloud to help you. Unite for Literacy


Whole School Creative Tasks

