Teachers: Mrs. Millington ( Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
Mrs. Davies ( Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
TA: Miss Murray
This term we are learning all about the Celts and Romans and they made a difference in Wales. We will be learning about how they lived, what they ate, the clothes that they wore and the jobs they did. We will be having a Celtic workship to learn about the Celts in Wales and we will be visiting Caerleon to find out all about the Romans. We will be writing diaries, poems and letters as well as writing an historical story.
Later in the term we will be celebrating St David’s Day and having celebrations and competitions in readiness for the Eisteddfod. We will be holding class collective worships all about our rights as well as joining classes for our Easter service.
In expressive arts we are exploring 2D and 3D landscapes whilst thinking about the beauty of Wales. We will be creating multimedia presentations using lots of our IT skills.
In Progression Step 2 this term we will begin by doing activities to learn about our values:
This term, our class learning will be linked to Fairy Tales.
Our PE day will be a Wednesday. Please make sure your child is in a suitable PE kit for this day.
Please provide your child with a suitable snack of fruit or vegetables and a drink of water in their bottles.