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Cwtch 4


Teachers: Miss J Gwilym, Mr D Williams, Mr A Morris

Autumn 2: Curriculum on a Page

Out Visit to a Gurdwara

We tried on Sikh clothing and tasted a special Sikh dish. We learned about Langar. Diolch Mrs Singh!

This week, we have been learning a new method to help us with multiplication and division. This helped us with our fairy tale problem solving.

We created questionnaire to help us with our decision making for our instructions. It showed us which foods were the most popular in Cwtch 4.

We’re focusing on the weather in Welsh this term. We decided ping pong would be the best game to play at home!

Wasanaeth Cwtch 4! Inter Faith Week 2024

After taste testing, we creating our own graphs to display the data we gathered.

A new half term - a new writing genre - Instructions!

We have some really exciting projects coming up so watch this space ...

Autumn 1: Curriculum on a page

Grace visited Billy Boston’s statue at Cardiff Bay

Wear Red Day - two Chiefs fans showing racism the red card


Planning the introduction of our fairy tales ...

Our Fairy Tale Immersion Day

We changed the choices of some fairy tale villains and thought about how these choices would change the endings of the stories!

Today, during our mix up day, we simulated the challenges that many people around the world face to access clean water.

We had a great morning with a really exciting storyteller. We learned even more about the Mabinogi!

Practising our communication skills on Google Docs

Cwtch 4’s biggest Dragons fan and Cwtch 4’s biggest Ospreys fan are looking forward to the opening weekend of the United Rugby Championship. Predictions have been made: Mattie - 32-30 to the Dragons. Mr Williams - 32-19 to the Ospreys. Good luck to both teams!

Planning our own version of Hansel and Gretel


Discussing and debating the morals of different fairy tales


Our resident gymnast - da iawn!

We've helped plan out learning and we are aiming to answer our big questions ...

We love listening to our class novel by candlelight! A great atmosphere...

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm wanted their fairy tales to be told. We're learning how to tell the effectively and having a lot of fun!

We got together as a progress step to plan our learning. We discussed the things that we thought we knew about fairy tales.

