Home Page

Cwtch 1

Teachers: Miss J Caulfield

TA: Mrs C Leyshon

Welcome to Cwtch Un website page. We will keep you all updated with information about the activities that are happening in class. 


Please ensure your child brings fruit or vegetables for snack time and some water in their bottles.

PE day is timetabled for Tuesday; your child needs to be wearing their PE kit to school on that day.

Our Visual Curriculum - Spring 1


Our landscapes inspired by the book 'Window'


Colour Mixing

We had a visit from Keep Cardiff Tidy

We enjoyed creating snowmen using playdough!

Dental Survey Information for Parents

Families Learning Together is Returning in January 2025. Please come along on a Tuesday afternoon :)

Our Visual Curriculum - Autumn 2


Fairytale Nativity

We enjoyed our Christmas Fair!

We served Langar (a vegetarian meal) to the Reception children

Parent Update - Pick-Up - Tuesday 22nd October 2024

Exploring greater than, less than and equal to.

After our WaterAid Harvest Festival, we thought about what it would be like to travel a long way to get water. There are dangers on the way which add to the time.

Mix-Up Day with Reception - Looking at the different ways we use water. We learnt how some people in the world don’t have access to clean water.

Thank you so much for coming to our worship. Please help us raise money for WaterAid so that we can help others.

Our Class Worship is coming up, we would love to see you there!

We have been ambitious in our activities this week. We improved our performance in different physical skills. We were awarded medals for our achievements, just like the Olympic athletes.

We have been using online games to find the correct symmetrical part to make a whole shape.

We have been making symmetrical patterns together using the 3D shapes. We worked as a team.

We have been learning to log onto new platforms like Hwb.

We have been creating patterns to guide the characters to their special places.

We made some delicious porridge today. We even used the special recipe from baby bear.

Our Visual Curriculum


Belle was in our school today. We had lots of fun. Goldilocks gave us all a book to take home.

We are learning about shapes.
